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Professional development for international schools

Anti Racism Linden Global

Is your international school ready  to courageously address bias, prejudice, racism and become an inclusion champion?




International schools educate young people who are privileged and well positioned to make courageous changes in society in their adult lives. Educators are role models with enormous power to shape children’s lives.  We believe that every student deserves culturally competent educators who not only honor diverse identities, but who actively strive toward a more just and equitable world in their classrooms and beyond. 


Linden Global Learning anti-racism and inclusion workshops aim to raise international school teachers’ awareness in order to improve students’ learning and experiences and their commitment to inclusion and social justice. We hope to help teachers inspire change in their schools.


Learning Outcomes

  • Increased self-awareness around bias and racism 

  • More culturally responsive classrooms and school environments 

  • Skills to teach students to speak out against bias, injustice, and to challenge stereotypes

  • Integration of anti-bias work as part of larger school actions

  • Learn to embrace students' full identities


Self-Awareness Raising in the International School

In Module One, participants will be asked to begin to reflect on their roles and commitments within the context of anti-racism work. Racial or ethnic affinity groups will be utilized to help participants to process their thoughts, reflections, and questions, as well as to foster conversations around continued accountability in racial equity work. The session will close with each participant sharing with the large group what they can give to racial equity work moving forward, as well as what they need from others to do the work.


We will grapple with...

  • Who/Where am I in the context of Anti-Racism work

  • How can I best engage in conversations around race and equity?

  • Introduce and discuss the four different levels of racism and how they operate




Racial Inventory & Awareness Building - Self, Workspace, and Community
In Module Two, participants will be asked to examine their racialized experience on a personal, interpersonal, and professional level. Through several different activities and discussions, facilitators will assist participants in taking inventory of their social communities and school community, and ask that they reflect on messages that are overtly or covertly communicated in those spaces. Participants will also be asked to assess strengths, challenges, and needs within their school settings with regard to creating a racially equitable school environment. In keeping with Module One, racial affinity groups will be used to help participants to process, question, and recommit to the work that needs to be done on an individual and systemic level. 


We will grapple with...

  1. What is my racialized experience on a personal level, interpersonal level, and professional level? 
  2. What messages does my workspace communicate?
  3. Where is my school in this work? What are our strengths in this work, and what are our challenges?



NOW WHAT?: Creating a positive & respectful learning Environment FOR STUDENTS

Module Three is designed to encourage conversations about race, racism, and other critical topics with children and teens.  Facilitators will provide participants a set of strategies and resources for practicing courage conversations and creating a respectful learning environment. Educators will be create a roadmap to act on within the next few days, and throughout the year, to create a culturally responsive school community. 


We will grapple with...

  • How to foster a sense of racial equity with students in our classrooms?

  • What does a culturally responsive classroom and school community look like?

  • What resources can we use to make curriculum more relevant to students?


Linden in-person and online workshops are interactive and focussed on practical tools. Our sessions are always research-based and solutions-focused with plenty of discussion time to allow participants to share strategies or challenges and address open questions.




Shani Linden Counselor.png



Nationality: UK
Languages: English

Linden Learning Specialist Yalda Hesmati



Nationality: USA/Iran

Languages: English, Farsi

Brian G Linden Global Learning.jpg

Nationality: USA

Languages: English

Noa Photo.jpeg

Nationality: Israel

Languages: English, Hebrew

Chi Ugbor.png

Nationality: Nigeria/Austria

Languages: English, German, Igbo


Nationality: USA

Languages: English, German

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